
This series explores various methods for providing teacher candidates opportunities to enhance and develop their teaching skills within a virtual/online environment. Global changes in education have taken place since many learning institutions have shifted to online or hybrid classes, and here, you will learn how to ensure teacher candidates are immersed in digitally-enhanced field experiences to excel in their education careers.

OTP Materials

Video-Enhanced Performance Feedback in Virtual Environments

Learn about Vosaic, a teaching tool that facilitates video-enhanced performance feedback, which helps pre-service special educators notice, reflect on, and improve their use of evidence-based practices.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Tara Kaczorowski, Illinois State University, Vosaic Connect

Working With GoReact to Tag Videos for Feedback

Explore how to use GoReact, an online tool faculty can use to provide video feedback to their teacher candidates and to allow candidates to engage in deeper self-reflective practices.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Cyndi Caniglia, Whitworth University, GoReact Connect

Working With Mursion and Collaborating with Other Universities

Learn creative ways to use Mursion, a virtual simulation experience, to provide teacher candidates with practice opportunities.

Guest Speakers:

Dr. Estee Aiken, University of Montana Western

Dr. Kate Zimmer, Kennesaw State University, Murison Collaborator

Virtual Learning Resources

Learn about ACCTE and the positive impacts of their Special Education Networked Improvement Community (NIC).
Guest Speaker: Dr. Jacqueline Rodriguez, Vice President, AACTE

Working With Bug-in-Ear

Learn about the impact of real-time, live coaching with Bug-in-Ear and explore how to use this technology to provide real-time feedback to practicing teachers in a variety of settings. Effective real time feedback and coaching strategies are shared.

Guest Speakers:

Dr. Kelley Regan, George Mason University, Bug-in-Ear

Dr. Margaret (Peggy) Weiss, George Mason University, Bug-in-Ear