
This series explores and examines issues related to collecting, analyzing, and reporting teacher and leader preparation data that supports program improvement in the service of ensuring candidates are learner ready as defined in the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) task force report Our Responsibility, Our Promise (2012). Learn about best practices and evidence-based strategies from former Network for Transforming Educator Preparation (NTEP) states, the CEEDAR Center, and other research centers and national organizations.

Data & Outcomes Materials

Introduction to Data & Outcomes

Learn about the origins of data assessment within education and the promises underlying continuous improvement objectives for all students.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Saroja R. Warner, Program Director, Educator Workforce, CCSSO

NTEP Lessons Learned & Implications Moving Forward

This module explains why states use data collection and analyses to monitor progress within teacher preparation programs to ensure they are adequately preparing teacher candidates for successful education careers.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Michael Allen, Partner, Teacher Preparation Analytics

Data Collaboration for Continuous Improvement

Learn about how you can use data and outcomes to support program improvement and promote cross-institutional learning.

Guest Speaker: Tracey Weinstein, Vice President of Data and Research, Deans for Impact

Using Data to Strengthen Practice-Based Preparation

This video explains the impact of effective teacher preparation residency programs and provides data outlining the benefits of new teacher mentorship and support. 

Guest Speaker: Tamara Azar, Chief External Relations Officer, National Center for Teacher Residencies

Systematizing Data to Support Culturally Responsive Policy & Practice

Learn about ways to integrate culturally responsive policy and practice into teacher preparation programs using data collection.

Guest Speakers:

Andrea Whittaker, Ph.D., National Director, edTPA

Nicole Tucker-Smith, Co-Founder & CEO of Lessoncast

Dr. Erica McCray, CEEDAR Center Co-Director