meg kamman
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Meg Kamman

Project Co-Director

Dr. Meg Kamman is an associate scholar at the University of Florida in the department of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Education. She serves as the co-director for the CEEDAR Center. In this role, Dr. Kamman provides leadership in the center that serves 25 states and assists state teams, which include policymakers and educator preparation faculty in developing systems to ensure effective teachers and leaders for each student with a disability. Dr. Kamman also leads CEEDAR’s technology and targeted technical assistance team which ensures CEEDAR’s network of states have opportunities to collaborate virtually. Additionally, Dr. Kamman has previously served as the project coordinator for National Center to Inform Policy and Practice in Special Education Professional Development (NCIPP), a technical assistance center focused on induction and mentoring for special education teachers. Dr. Kamman has a decade of classroom teaching experience in special education, including credentials for principal leadership.

Phone: (352)273-4259