How to Use Course Enhancement Modules (CEMs)

CEMs include usable resources for faculty and PD providers to include in effective opportunities for teachers and leaders to learn about and use EBPs. For example, Learning Resources materials—such as the anchor presentation with speaker notescan be incorporated into a content course or implemented with a professional learning community. In another application, included references and resources can be assigned as pre-reading or extension activities for pre-service and in-service educators.

Each CEM includes the following components:

Description and overview—rationale of the content for ensuring that students with disabilities achieve college and career readiness

Learning Resources

  • Connections to standards—references to the content standards that will be addressed in the CEM
  • Anchor presentation—a PowerPoint presentation covering the content
  • Speaker notes—verbiage the instructor or facilitator can use or adapt to go along with the anchor presentation, including direction on using additional handouts or resources
  • Sample activities—activities that can be implemented to promote learning or use of the content

Multimedia—audio and video related to the content

Course & PD Outlines—examples of course syllabi and PD that relate to the content

References—a reference list of supporting citations and materials

Suggestions for use: The components of the CEM are designed for flexible use. The anchor presentation and speaker notes can be used in their entirety to cover multiple course orPD sessions. Alternatively, specific content, activities, and media can be used individually to enhance existing course content. The reference list documents sources included in the CEM as well as additional related sources. Sample syllabi can be adapted to meet an instructor’s needs.

How CEMs work

The CEEDAR Center is pleased to present Course Enhancement Modules as a free resource to teacher and leader educators and professional development providers.

This video explains the basics of Course Enhancement Modules