References and Resources

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The OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

This website offers resources, examples, presentations, and research on PBIS. Resources are organized by topic and audience.


The National Center on Intensive Interventions (NCII)

Key resources:

o   Introduction to Data-Based Individualization (DBI): Considerations for Implementation in Academics and Behavior (DBI Training Series Module 1)

o   Monitoring Student Progress for Behavioral Interventions (DBI Training Series Module 3)

o   Using FBA for Diagnostic Assessment in Behavior (DBI Training Series Module 6)

o   Designing and Delivering Intensive Intervention in Behavior (DBI Training Series Module 8)


The IRIS Center

Key resources

EBI Network

Evidence Based Intervention Network

  • Acquisition Interventions: The student needs help learning the appropriate behavior
  • Proficiency (Gets Something) Interventions: The child gains something (e.g. attention) when they engage in the problem behavior.
  • Proficiency (Escape Something) Interventions: The Child is able to avoid something (e.g. academic or social task) when they engage in the problem behavior.
  • Generalization Interventions: The student needs help doing the behavior in a new setting, time or manner
  • Classwide Interventions


Direct Behavior Ratings

Method for progress monitoring standard and individualized behaviors.

Response to Intervention Action Network

Many students with behavioral concerns also struggle academically, which may influence behavior.  This website has many resources related to data-based decision making, academic assessment, and multi-level prevention systems.

Other Internet Resources Organized by Level of Support

Universal Supports

Supplemental Interventions

Intensive Interventions

Contributing Developers

Berry Kuchle, L., Littman J., Elledge, A., & McInerney, M. (2014). Course Enhancement Module: Evidence-Based Behavioral Interventions. Gainesville, FL: The CEEDAR Center. Retrieved on (month day, year,) from

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