Policy Tools

Educators Supporting Students with Disabilities

Do you know your state’s policies for educators supporting students with disabilities?

  • With more than 60% of students with disabilities receiving services in the general education classrooms, it is imperative that states know how all educators – general and special education teachers, administrators, and support personnel – must be prepared and supported to fully engage students with disabilities with the college and career ready standards and general education curriculum.
  • As states consider the various policies that impact teacher and leader preparation in working with students with disabilities in inclusive environments, questions arise concerning state approaches.

CEEDAR Center State Policy Profile Map

This map displays an overview of state policies across the five primary policy levers that impact educator preparation:

  • Teaching and Leadership Standards
  • Teacher and Leader Preparation
  • Teacher and Principal Certification/Licensure
  • Teacher and Principal Induction
  • Teacher and Principal Professional Development Standards

About the Profiles 

Most, but not all, of these profiles were vetted by colleagues from each state’s Department of Education. Vetting took place between July 2014 and June 2015,  so information in the profiles will not reflect changes made since then.

The Resource: The CEEDAR Center, in collaboration with the New Teacher Center and the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders have established the CEEDAR Center State Policy Profile Map

Policy Snapshots

While the profiles above provide detailed, state-specific information, these snapshots provide a wider view–a comprehensive, nationwide policy outlook

Alternate Licensure Database

This filterable database lists alternate route programs across the United States. You can filter by state and program type or you can search for a keyword.

In March 2018, two of the authors independently conducted electronic searches of all 50 state Departments of Education websites to obtain policy documents authorizing APs. We omitted programs that included reciprocity agreements with other states or required National Board Certification, as both require a traditional license. We also recorded data from policy documents as well as extensive notes to explain complexities and idiosyncrasies in the policies.

Special Education Teacher Licensure

Did you know that there is a link between special educator licensure requirements and IDEA Part B funding? ESSA was passed into law in December 2015 and offers additional flexibility in teacher licensure requirements for states. However, this flexibility is not available for special educators. Read more details in our flyer or request technical assistance for your state.

Special Education Teacher works with young student