Breakout Session Materials

Every Student Deserves an Equitable Opportunity to Achieve.

Day 2

Partnerships in Clinical Practice

EPPs have expressed the need to strengthen the capacity for supporting practice-based work in virtual environments, especially given the impact of COVID on reducing face-to-face work in school districts. Arizona and Connecticut CEEDAR teams will offer examples of their capacity building in developing program exemplars, strategies, and tools, using this information to outline a plan of action. Participants will share their own creative solutions, including successes, lessons learned, barriers encountered, and moving forward, as well as the opportunities that will remain post pandemic.

Educator Quality: Implications of the Pandemic and Strategies to Strengthen the Educator Workforce

The pandemic has exacerbated several ongoing challenges with the educator workforce, including the delivery of clinically rich preservice teacher preparation. In this session, Loretta Mason-Williams and Michael Rosenberg will illustrate how viewing preservice candidates as assets can enhance mutually beneficial teacher preparation partnerships between EPPs and local school districts. Donna Sacco will follow and share strategies for preparing preservice and in-service teachers in removing barriers in virtual learning environments using the high-leverage practices.

Addressing Equity from an Asset-based Perspective

Presenters from Georgia and New York will share strategies for systematically examining and addressing issues of equity. Specifically, they will describe the implementation of equity labs, determining teacher effectiveness and readiness to meet the needs of typically marginalized learners, and the importance of including families as partners in providing equitable opportunities to learn.

When we actually WANT the scale to go up!

In this session, participants will learn how Florida and Georgia engaged in the scaling up process to expand the CEEDAR work to new EPPs. Participants will learn how to identify and contact potential new EPPs, as well as how to onboard them through an EPP mentor/mentee relationship.

Data Driven Partnerships for Program Improvement

Continuous program improvement requires a clear vision, strong collaborative partnerships, and solid infrastructure to maximize data-based decision-making. In this session, the Kentucky team will share how they have used data to expand pathways into the teaching profession and the New York team will highlight a pilot effort to strengthen data collection and sharing systems between the state department of education and educator prep programs.

Creating State Impact by Building an Independent State Alliance: California Alliance for Inclusive Schooling (CAIS)

The California Alliance for Inclusive Schooling (CAIS) has worked collaboratively with the CEEDAR initiative and represents an intersegmental group of professionals, with an agenda that includes P-12 practice, preparation and policy toward the goal of inclusive schooling. In this session, we describe how the California Alliance for Inclusive Schooling was developed, its infrastructures, impact, and current initiatives.

Session Materials

Working Together to Meet Workforce Needs: Addressing Shortages in AZ and MS

This session will focus on the role of partnerships in engaging in strategies to impact the shortage of special education teachers. The Arizona team will share about Teach Camp, a statewide induction support for beginning special education teachers and the Teacher Empowerment Project and how partnerships were critical in both projects.  The Mississippi team will share their process of engaging the SEA, EPPs and 8 district partners to review data and plan implementation of a pilot strategy.  Participants will be asked to consider and discuss their role in partnerships impacting state-wide and local shortages of special education teachers in their contexts.

SpEd Teacher Shortage: There’s a Hole in My Bucket

Finding candidates, preparing said candidates, and building up capacity isn’t enough. Utah’s turnover rate every seven years for special education teachers is 50%. With so many holes in the retention bucket, what can we do to stem the constant leaking and keep good teachers in the profession? How can states apply strategies from nationwide research to local and state contexts?

Prioritizing Partnerships to Support Equitable and Diverse Educator Pipelines

Mutually beneficial partnerships are essential to developing an equitable and diverse educator pipeline. In this session, Rhode Island and Tennessee will share how SEA, EPP, and LEA partners have worked collegially to establish and implement important components of their statewide partnership agreements, and how CEEDAR is being used to leverage and align this work in their states.

Designing Effective Partnerships between Principal Preparation Programs and Local Education Agencies to Prepare Effective and Inclusive Leaders & to Build School Capacity for Each Student

Designing effective partnerships between leadership preparation programs and local education agencies improves preparation of educational leaders who are effective and inclusive building principals. Developing teams of leaders at each building helps to build capacity to meet the needs of each struggling student.

Day 3

Small Money, Big Wins: Leveraging Funds to Support Sustainability & Scale Up Efforts in MN and CA

Demonstrate how state teams used funds to leverage blueprint work for scale-up and sustainability through mini-grants. Minnesota state team members will share how their mini-grants built capacity within EPPs. Then California state team members will provide an example of how mini-grants were used to scale CEEDAR work to additional EPPs.

Developing Capacity for Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction

Are you interested in resources to support high-quality, evidence-based literacy instruction? Learn how the Colorado and Rhode Island teams are supporting statewide literacy initiatives by developing capacity and sustainability in higher education to prepare preservice educators while strengthening professional learning opportunities for in-service educators.

Equity and Access: EBPs and HLPs as a Framework

Collaboration through an Equity lens using EBPs (such as collaboration) and HLPs as a framework. The CA team will discuss how they are providing professional development on critical collaboration for faculty in EPP programs in CA. The team from WA will discuss how they are implementing equity and access using HLPs as a framework for alignment, diversifying the workforce, and communication among all stakeholders. Participants will engage in conversation related to equity and access within their own contexts.

HLPs in Professional Learning Opportunities

In this breakout session, participants will have an opportunity to consider how to integrate HLPs into professional learning opportunities for pre-service and in-service educators.  Presenters from Tennessee and Montana will share their processes for doing this work in their states and lead participants in developing ideas fostering similar work in their own states.

It Takes a Village: How Two States Promote Capacity for HLP Implementation

Resources around HLPs will be shared by two state teams. Georgia will share their HLP Hub housed on the GaDOE website, induction and mentoring resources around HLPs, and how HLPs have been incorporated into practice-based opportunities using Mixed-Reality Simulation. Ohio will share how they are using their community of practice to promote capacity across the state.

Building Infrastructure: Using an Online Presence and Other Strategies to Create Capacity of the Team and Expand Impact in the Field

Building Infrastructure is a complex but necessary process to ensure a team’s capacity and sustainability for their work. Learn how two states built their teams and have used an online communication presence to engage stakeholders and support educators in moving their states forward to improve practices for pre- and in-service teachers.

*This session was not recorded

Inclusive Principal Leadership

Presenters from Georgia and Ohio will share strategies for advancing inclusive principal leadership in preparation and practice. Specifically, Georgia will share resources that the team has developed to support inclusive leaders, including an equity toolkit, inclusive leadership self-assessment tool focused on growth and reflection, and a roadmap for schools and districts. Sheryl Cowart Moss and Georgia Evans will also share about work to prepare inclusive school leaders at Georgia State University and the University of West Georgia, respectively. Amy Farley and Everrett Smith in Ohio will share about an inclusive educational leadership EdD program in development at the University of Cincinnati, including best practices and lessons learned.

Leveraging Tools from Other National Centers to Support Educator Preparation

This partner session will feature an interactive exploration of 3 OSEP-funded national centers: The PROGRESS Center, the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII), and the Lead for Literacy Center (L4L). Presenters will explore a wide variety of resources that are openly available to SEAs, EPPs, and LEAs and that support implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) within a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS). Resources include online course content for EPPs, tools for designing and implementing high-quality IEPs, and other tools/resources geared for administrators to support literacy teaching and learning.

Building Policy through Networking Strategies

This session will focus on strategies and tactics needed to build collective policy efforts through tools like mapping to show overlaps and gaps among and between state initiatives and evidence-based practice in educator preparation. The Washington team will share their exploration of the relationship between knowledge and skills standards for students with those of pre-service teachers.  The Kentucky team will share their experience in selecting and narrowing down the HLPs that are a priority in the state and aligning this work with state initiatives.

Participants will be asked to consider and discuss their roles in initiating, convening, and sustaining momentum across education sectors such as local, intermediary, and statewide government, school districts, educator preparation programs, the educator workforce, and professional organizations.

Leveraging Policy to Advance High Leverage Practices: How Minnesota and Mississippi are Making it Happen

This session will focus on the process and products of how state-wide policies are embedding High leverage Practices. Mississippi will share a pilot project focused on the launch of the special education teacher growth rubric that explicitly embeds HLPs. Minnesota will share how HLPs are being embedded within the statewide licensure standards. Participants will be asked to discuss policy change within their contexts with recommendations for advancing HLPs more broadly.