Part 1: School Leadership for Students with Disabilities
Part 2: What is Inclusion and Why is it Important?
Part 3: The Principal’s Role in Developing Effective Inclusive Schools
Part 4: Instructional Leadership for Students with Disabilities
Part 5: Facilitating Collaboration
Part 6: Partnering with Parents: Ensuring Successful Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
Part 7: District Support for School Leaders

Each part has a download section that contains all the necessary materials to utilize that portion. You can also follow the links on the narrative of each page. The audience for this CEM is intended to be teacher and leader candidates within preservice programs at the undergraduate or graduate levels and/or district teachers and leaders participating in inservice professional learning opportunities.

  • Part 6: Partnering with Parents: Ensuring Successful Outcomes for Students with Disabilities. This part provides information about supporting school leaders’ skills in partnering with parents to increase school achievement for students in special education, which is consistent with the tenets of IDEA and current research. Specifically, it addresses the impact of IDEA on parental rights; benefits of parent/professional partnering; comparison of the traditional family involvement model to the parent/professional partnership model; key professional behaviors that facilitate successful collaborative relationships; and ways parents support student achievement in special education.

Part 6 includes handouts accompanying the anchor presentation that instructors and professional development providers can download for use.

Handout 1: Anticipation Activity: Gauge Your familiarity with Best Practices in Partnering
Handout 2: Activity: Best practices in building school/parent partnerships support student Achievement.
Handout 3: References

Section Parts